Christopher wittmann im gespräch in deiner werbeagentur ux agency aus ingolstadt
Christopher wittmann ux designer

CEO & Founder

Christopher Wittmann

Christopher Wittmann (alias UXD Chris) is an entrepreneur from the heart of Germany, a former UXD-student and the forerunner of all UX Designers who decided to make UX the number one reason worldwide why a company succeeds or not. Therefore he founded my company that creates user centered solutions itself but also provides everything other entrepreneurs and especially UX Designers will need for their work.


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Girlfriend Time

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Jaguar Tours

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Delicious Food

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Realistic Mac Book Workspace Mockup

Created by Christopher Wittmann himself for you only!

Apply for your free website now!









Send your application until the 31st of March 2024 4pm and you have a chance to become the recipient of a free website created by Christopher Wittmann himself!

Why consult with Chris?

If you’re looking to jump ahead past the trials and tribulations of running a creative practice or have a business problem that you need solution for, then a consultation from Chris is what you will need.

Starting in 2011 with coding his first applications and websites Chris was a forerunner of UX Designers. He constantly wanted to gain insights into his users' thoughts, behaviour, wishes and needs - with one goal in mind: To improve the user experience that the users will have.

Ever since then he was a man on a mission. Creating success for the clients he was working for, the solutions he created and the business opportunities he is working on. This ended in him starting as a freelancer with only 16 years of age. After selling some first websites, brochures and photography jobs and a lot more in the creative sector, he soon started to thinking bigger and wanted to become a successful entrepreneur.

His international experience started back in the year 2016. Shortly after finishing school Chris lived in England for some months to gain working experience over there and was successfully working on multiple projects abroad.

Once he returned back to Germany he started his UX Design studies and finished his bachelor and master degree soon besides founding his local UX Design Agency. It today is the most successfully UX Design agency in town and has applicants from all across Europe. His agency is growing on a daily basis without any limits.

Many successful brands throughout entire Europe and even in South America were created by Christopher Wittmann. By constantly working harder than any other UX Designer he pushes borders and goes beyond all possibilities!

Chris is not only creating success for projects and clients - he also pushes other so their own success. Ever since he left school he was and still is working in a teacher-like position at multiple schools throughout town. His mission is to find and push talents to their success from an early age onwards.

Don't hesitate - get in tough right now and boost yourself or your business to the next level!

You want some stats?


Satisfied Clients


Pupils so far

at least 34

Successful projects per year

more than 168

Phone calls per month

+ 15


< 24 h

response time


Joy while working

> 10

years of development skills


Pixels of Design per Year!

> 42250km

through Europe per year

Read about the most famous brands

Established by Chris

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UX Agency Ingolstadt

The UX Agency is a young and dynamic design agency based in Ingolstadt Germany. It was founded by Chris in April 2020. Ever since then he has been working on many high value client projects and is constantly expanding the company's business!

UX Agency Ingolstadt
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UX Packers

A worldwide community for UX Designers. With it's multiple platforms for education, entertainment and further fields about UX Design it offers a big variety of UX related content for interested people.

UX Packers
Website to go kostenloses crm

UX Elements

The software is a plugin implemented for Craft CMS. This plugin enables you to create amazing websites within minutes!

UX Elements
Website to go website erstellen lassen

website TO GO

This label has locations through entire Germany. All partners offer websites for a small price with a high quality since they are not based on common systems but on highly expandable solutions with limitless opportunities!

website TO GO

What clients think about Chris?

A lot of good stuff!

Genial, was man ohne Programmierkenntnisse mit den UX Elements von website TO GO machen kann!

Matthias D.


Philipp J.

Seriös, zuverlässig, Schnelle Bearbeitung. Gehen auf Kunden Wünsche ein. Sehr kreativ! Danke für eine Tolle Leistung!

Fabian B.

Wooww! Das nenne ich mal Performance!

Unsere Anforderungen werden nicht nur schnell verstanden, sondern auch so gelöst, wie wir das benötigen.

Martin L.


Dennis R.

Besonders gut gefällt mir, dass er im Kontakt unkompliziert ist, schnell reagiert und viel Eigeninitative zeigt.

Thomas W.

Wir sind mit der Arbeit, der Schnelligkeit und dem fertigen Produkt sehr zufrieden.

Innerhalb kürzester Zeit setzte Christopher Wittmann alle erforderlichen Änderungen um.

Birgit K.

Die UX Elements sind eine Waffe!

Jürgen R.


You want to get to know Chris?

Get in touch right now!

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Unsere Anforderungen werden nicht nur schnell verstanden, sondern auch so gelöst, wie wir das benötigen.

Martin L.


Die UX Elements sind eine Waffe!

Jürgen R.


Genial, was man ohne Programmierkenntnisse mit den UX Elements von website TO GO machen kann!

Matthias D.
